The Cottonmouth Club Presents: Bars, Bar Culture, Cocktails & Spirits

Episode 15: Bars in Crisis—The Case for a Bailout

Michael Neff Season 1 Episode 15

In this, the second wave of shutdowns across cities due to the shocking rise of Covid-19 cases, the bars in America are bearing an undue burden and forced to make a terrible choice: shut ourselves down and risk our lives, our livelihoods, and those of everyone who works for or around us; or find some way to skirt the rules, stay open, and contribute to the general health crisis that is crippling our country.

If bars in a community fail, the economic and cultural impacts to that community will be felt well beyond the bar industry itself. Bars promote local economies, and it is the local economies that will suffer, sometimes for decades to come.

There is a way to prevent both of these tragic outcomes: a bailout. We’ve bailed out many industries before, and in this podcast, we examine what those are, and apply the same kind of thinking to bars and the local economies they anchor.

Oh, and there might be some conversation in here about a church diocese or two. Listen to find out how these things relate, and please share this with anyone who will agree and, maybe as importantly, those who won’t.

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